Quantum Leaps

Do you guys watch manifestation TikTok? As a sworn follower of Christ, I have chosen to put my focus elsewhere in the TikTok skreets, but one thing that has been burned into my mind is the idea of quantum leaps in your life. By definition, quantum leap is a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something. And baby, I feel like I’m about to leap. It does and doesn’t feel sudden at the same time. While I can’t say I haven’t been waiting for a shift, I will say it does feel a bit sudden. So every month before my cycle starts I go on a rant of things I don’t need or a particular area in my life that doesn’t feel “right”. This month as I’m approaching my 36th birthday I had the urge to purge! Purge not only my clothing but things in my life that don’t seem “right” in context of where I’m going. 

So I started with my wardrobe, I noticed that I only had clothing from 2019 and prior, and that was exactly before I started KAPHILL. I’ve had my head down so long that I didn’t know I outgrew my personal style! It’s not until I got extremely uncomfortable with my wardrobe and noticed how it was affecting my confidence that I realized I need to shake some old things off and step into the new. After my wardrobe I started to evaluate my processes at KAPHILL, asking myself the hard questions about what’s working and what isn’t. I haven’t quite nailed down the “right” process yet, which I don’t think happens in business, but I’m def getting rid of the one that isn’t working. I’ve decided to contract help in certain areas of the business and not feel bad about it, and yes that will eventually include a second set of design eyes! ( ain’t no shame in my game) can I tell you it feels so freeing to allow myself the space to get help. 

I noticed that I was in the “just” do this phase for so long, where I was just getting by. Just having enough time, just putting in work and not seeing any tangible rewards. I told myself to just take a 9-5 job that would help me get by, and while doing that I found myself feeling degraded and undervalued at a place that was never set up to see my worth. I even told myself to just throw something on, it doesn’t matter! Like who is she??! I’m always the girl to  PUT ON!  But you know what the scary part is? I didn’t even notice I was doing any of the above. 

Something in me has shifted, and as the TikTok spiritual gurus would say I’m about to Quantum leap baby. I wonder what the leap feels like? Is it like a movie I’m leaping in slow motion while a soft but beautiful melody plays. Or is it fast like sonic the hedgehog? Perhaps a timelapse of all the movies culminating into a cinematic masterpiece. Whichever choice, I pray to god he keeps my edges in tack, stomach flat and the rest phat! No but seriously, I’m ready for the next level in my life. One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t leap without putting in the work. You can’t move without the treacherous ground work. While the idea of a quantum leap is cute, I know this is God's work. My name is being spoken in rooms I am not aware of. I’ve gotten projects I don’t feel qualified for sitting next to industry vets with 20-30 years of experience. God has his hand on me and I’m grateful for his never failing love and direction.I don’t take these blessings lightly. I remember when I prayed for the opportunities I have now. While the quantum leap idea sounds cute, I’ve prayed, I’ve cried, I’ve been faithful, I’ve been BROKE, I’ve been steady in my belief that good things will happen for me and I’ve been steady in knowing that God will give me back everything I lost. When I say I’m quantum leaping, baby believe it. So gworls prepare for your leap, so when you get there you can stay there! 


Krystal A Phillips 

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